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Rebel Lords of London
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#21 Boosting Sales – July and August updates
I know I'm late posting about July. And August has been downright disastrous. I can't really figure out why. Summer? The heat? Too busy to read? I have no idea. It's a little depressing. So, here are the screen shots for July and August. This is July. As you can see,...
#20 Boosting Sales – Vlad Bustiuc – Facebook ads
The Key to Writing Effective Copy In a report received from k-lytics, it was learned that there were specific keywords people look for when they want to buy books in a particular genre. *Example: Paranormal romance, vampire romance, for women, best for women. To lure...
#19 Boosting Sales – Vlad Bustiuc – Facebook ads
Part 2: How Should Your Ads Look There are multiple approaches to Facebook ads, from: ads that contain reviews ads that contain part of the blurb ads that contain the book cover or illustrations from the cover, or ads that mention kindle unlimited. “People should know...
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Kathy L Wheeler