by Kathy L Wheeler | Aug 22, 2023 | Books, Contemporary Romance, New Release, Sale, Steamy Contemporary
Will the truth send her running, or will she fight for the man she loves? The danger and lies are more than she can handle. Shea O’Bannon feels like a fifth wheel around her romantically paired-off friends, but there’s too much slime in the dating pool for her to...
by Kathy L Wheeler | Jul 31, 2023 | Contemporary Romance, Musings, Short Story, Steamy Contemporary, Writing, Writing Life
I’m considering the horrendous task of converting my Fiery Billionaire Short from third person to first. Below there are samples of Wedding Vows for Hire. Please note that there is only 10% of the story listed because the book is on Amazon and it would violate...
by Kathy L Wheeler | Jul 17, 2022 | Episodic Serials, New Release, Short Story, Steamy Contemporary, Time Travel, Vanishing Worlds
There is no telling where one will land when one falls through time. A new freebie, available at ProlificWorks. Episode I: Hercules’ Lost Labour In this short sexy romance, Episode one of the Vanishing World series, Mallory Keen’s love interest, Schultz K....
by Kathy L Wheeler | Oct 17, 2021 | Books, Cover Reveal, Steamy Contemporary
AllAuthor Cover of the Month The 7th Son: Rebel Lords of LondonHey Everyone, I’m so excited to let you know that my book The 7th Son has been nominated for a “Cover of the Month” contest on I would love it if you could vote for it. Vote Now...
by Kathy L Wheeler | Dec 2, 2020 | Author Spotlight, Books, Christmas Romance, Contemporary Romance, Holiday Romance, New Release, Sale, Steamy Contemporary
When two Scrooges unite to save a bar in trouble, a kiss under the mistletoe sparks the sexiest Christmas miracle ever. Back Cover Blurb: Bartender River Lundqvist has a damn good reason for hating Christmas. Bangers Tavern is the perfect place to lay low over the...