
Well, I’ve been working like a dog to get this put together. My Cinderella Series all contained in one book!

Cinderella Series - the collection

Cinderella Series – the collection

Amazon cover


Of course, my plans were to have it out June 1st. Okay, I fell a little bit short… what can I say? Nothing. I know. But it’s out on Smashwords now, soon it should be up on Amazon.
Kathy L Wheeler / Kae Elle WheelerThis is my first attempt at a cover. The one on the left you’ll see at Amazon. Not my favorite. I’ll be changing it over soon to the one on the right, which is up on Smashwords. In any event, I hope you take the time to let me know if you like it, them — covers or books.

Still, learning the behind the scenes on the new website. Wish me luck!

Happy reading ~~~ Kathy L Wheeler