
So ~~~ for six months… count it SIX, 6, VI, months. The company who was hosting my email, domain names (klwheeler and kae-elle-wheeler), and website have screwed me over.

It started with my email. They changed the interface.  Oh, the appearance of it wasn’t so bad (not great) but not awful. But think about the things you may or may not do. For example, can you select several emails at once and delete? Or move that same group to a folder you want to keep them in?

They eliminated that! You had to check the box one at a time. Then delete. And suppose it was way down the list. You deleted the one email and it took you back to the top and you lost your place. So you had to find where you were to continue on. Nightmare!

So now I’ve moved my email to a more friendly interface. However, when I went to import my contacts ~~~ it was NOT smooth sailing. As a result, I will have to go through each contact and make sure its correct because on the conversion, it stripped the “@” and replaced it with an “_”. Fun, huh?

In any event, I’m closer to having things back to normal (whatever that is!).

So on my blog, you might notice a large picture with roses just to the right. If you click on the image, it will take you to my new website, (or you can click here http://klwheeler.com) for the new and improved site. If you scroll down (on any page, actually) you can subscribe to a newsletter I am in the process of creating, called Tidbits & Spotlight. This will be a new challenge for me, much like the Blog Talk Radio.

Incidentally, the upcoming calendar for Blog Talk Radio are on my new home page as well. You may wonder why I didn’t combine the blog with my website. The reason is because WordPress does not allow plugins, and I needed  the form for readers to sign up with. Hence, the headache of all the changes.

If you have a moment, I would love your thoughts on my new site. I’m chilling out as I type.

Love kathy