
Martini Club Authors

Writing a newsletter ~~~ more like starting a newsletter. That’s my plan, anyway.

I’m trying to think this out logically. However, that may be somewhat difficult, since I’m a bit more artistic in temperament. Somewhat impulsive…ugh! I may be sunk before I’ve even begun.

That will not stop me! I never thought I could finish a book, and I’ve completed 10…count them TEN!!! I can do this.

RWA Friends
Oklahoma Romance Writers at 2007 RWA Conf in Dallas

Beginning in June  I will post my first. (Hopefully, my mail list will have grown some by then–what’s the point of publishing otherwise).The idea is to invite writer friends as a spotlight. Of course, I’ll have links to my books) But my plan is to feature theirs as well. I will also write a small insight for writers and another for readers.

I refuse to have some cumbersome “all about me” plug. I think I do that enough on twitter and facebook. My poor followers.

That’s my idea, anyway. Will it come to fruition? In some form or another, I’m certain it will. Any ideas?

Musings ~~~~ Kathy L Wheeler