by Kathy L Wheeler | Apr 4, 2019 | Historical Romance, New Release, Western Historical
It has been so long since I posted on my blog, that WordPress updates have changed and I don’t know the new system! Well, that is about to change. First of all, I have two new books coming out in June. A Mail Order Bride series. While I’m still trying to...
by Kathy L Wheeler | Dec 30, 2013 | Good Info to Know, Necessary Evils, Social Media
I asked Cynthia how she got Twitter followers. Let us know what you think! KLW: Thanks for coming by, Cynthia. CW: Thanks for having me today. I’ve been asked how I get followers. I have about 24,000 followers right now on Twitter. Now I doubt very seriously...
by Kathy L Wheeler | Nov 18, 2013 | Historical Romance, Musings
Google It!! Google it has become a common phrase in my house. No matter what anyone wants to know, be it a recipe, a definition of a word, or how the West was Won, someone will shout Google it. Since I write historical romance, Google has become a big part of my...