
Today day is July 14th.

Yesterday, I went in and revisited a conversion post from Skye Warren. Let me back up… In each of my Rebel Lords of London books I have a chapter for the next book. What I feel I’ve learned is this: the chapter for the next book is too much for a reader to take in. That’s not what they want. Just a teaser is all you need to do for the next book, i.e., at the back of The Marquis’s Misstep and I’ve modified it to something of this nature:

“Thank you so much for reading The Marquis’s Misstep. If you loved Ginny and Brock, you’ll want to learn what happens 200 years later when time closes in on Alistar and he is bound for madness and Bedlam. Will the curse be broken or is his nemesis Peyton the key to his salvation?” Pick up The 7th Son now! You don’t want to miss this contemporary adventure.

From The Earl’s Error I saw an increase of buys from 3 to 8 in one day. My plan is fix each book this week (I’m still trying to complete the current book I’m writing so I’m taking this a little at a time.)

Amazon’s July chart looks like this:

The last three days it has gone up. I did have a BookRaid promo that ran on Monday. I think that is driving things as well.

An update on my daily posts on TikTok:

The views are hitting a little over 200 each. I still have much to learn and I’m enlisting assistance from young family members who know the platform better than me, though to my credit (hahaha) I am still posting daily. The most recent posts are for Quotable.

So far, I’m not seeing any sales for it, but the Cinderella series is now getting daily downloads. I’m not doing any advertising for it, so all the sales are coming via tiktok. So that is encouraging. And, I saw one print sale of the Martini Club 4 series print book. 🥰