by Kathy L Wheeler | Oct 18, 2013 | Author Spotlight, Books, Contemporary Romance, Cover Reveal
Hi there! Waiting for a book cover reveal, and then the book release requires the patience of a saint. But it’s here now! The cover reveal for Bayou Bound, the second book in the Fleur de Lis series. I’m so excited! *Pointer Sisters singing in the background* Won’t...
by Kathy L Wheeler | Sep 4, 2013 | Good Info to Know, Writing
As writer’s, the existence can be a somewhat lonely. Also, as writers, we know how important it is to make our meetings. But those are often just once a month. And when life gets in the way, well, sometimes we miss those. So how important is it to you to spend...
by Kathy L Wheeler | Feb 1, 2013 | Author Spotlight, Blogging, OKRWA
So today I’m interviewing my good friend and critique partner Alicia Dean. While her quirky sense of humor is not for the thin-skinned and might not be so prevalant here, you can believe me when I tell you she’s crazy! In a good way, but that is one of the...