by Kathy L Wheeler | Oct 11, 2013 | Cinderella Series, Deleted Scenes
The Surprising Enchantress ~ book iii of my Cinderella Series, introduced us to Lady Kendra Frazier. She is the heroine of The English Lily. This scene, which was cut from book iii, gives some important insight to Kendra’s greatest fear. Chapter 20 “But I’m...
by Kathy L Wheeler | Sep 16, 2013 | Cinderella Series, Reading, Writing
Chapter 15 Firelight flickered in a sinister, opiate-inducing lethargy. A strategically placed mirror reflected a sliver of gray skies through slightly parted drapes. The flash of periodic lightning greatly assisted the young magician in captivating his audience....
by Kathy L Wheeler | Aug 22, 2013 | Blog Hop, Books, Cinderella Series, OKRWA, Reading, Tales of the Scrimshaw Doll, Writing
As I stop think about this week’s post, I find myself thinking of something one of the reviewers remarked on The English Lily. The review was quite flattering, I happy to say, but she also said she wished I tied up a few things in the story. For example, the opening...
by Kathy L Wheeler | Aug 12, 2013 | Author Spotlight, Historical Romance
I had the pleasure of meeting Ella at RWA’s National Conference in Atlanta this summer. She is a very active member of The Beau Monde chapter, of which I am considerably new. She is a delightful person, vivacious, gregarious, and all around friendly. I welcome...
by Kathy L Wheeler | Aug 10, 2013 | Books, Cinderella Series, Reading
Well, I’ve been working like a dog to get this put together. My Cinderella Series all contained in one book! Of course, my plans were to have it out June 1st. Okay, I fell a little bit short… what can I say? Nothing. I know. But it’s out on...